The best way to begin any project is with a clean slate. So, start by cleaning out the kitchen! Before you go out and buy your healthy new stash get rid of all the junk food in the cabinets, refrigerator, freezer, and pantry.
This includes any processed and packaged foods: frozen dinners, waffles, chips, ramen noodles, pop tarts...you know!
Foods high in sugar: cookies, cakes, soda, juice drinks, most cereals
Refined carbohydrates: white flour, sugar, white bread, white rice
The truth is that if you keep that tempting food in the house when you get hungry enough you are going to eat it! Trust me on this! Will power is only going to get you so far. That's why you need systems in place to support you when your willpower fails. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits says it best,
"We do not rise to the level of our goals, but we fall to the level of our systems."-James Clear
You may have to give some food away. If you have a pantry full of pasta and cans of sauces, soups, and vegetables that are not out of date, then go ahead and donate them to a local food pantry. Maybe you personally know a family in need or your church has a weekly soup kitchen. We are not about wasting food. You may end up throwing some things away, but realistically these are not healthy for anyone to eat anyway.
You are also going to have to clean out your hiding spots! Desk drawers, the nightstand, the car, and the places where you may innocently hide your favorite things from others in the house. When the moment of temptation strikes, you will find that stash and sabotage your plan for the day. Set yourself up for success and get rid of it now.
So, give yourself a clean slate literally! Clean out the refrigerator and the cabinets where your secret stash is hidden. Wash out the vegetable bin and wipe down the shelves.
Pull out a favorite bowl to display some of the fresh fruit and veggies you are going to buy. Make the delicious fresh foods you are going to shop for appealing to eat
This small action of throwing the old things out and making space for the new is such an empowering mental shift. You are ready to start something new. Show yourself and the universe you are READY!